: principles of common Latex investigations methods and reporting

 Definitions of Terms 
·         latex agglutination-Visible clamping together of bacteria, cells or particles by an antigen combining with its specific antibodies.
·         precipitation –This is a test that involves reactions of soluble antigens. when it reacts with antibody it forms insoluble deposits(precipitate)
·         Immune-chromatographic test-
·         Flocculation- This is a test that involves reactions of soluble antigens. when it reacts with antibody it form loose clumps of  precipitate.(floccules)
·         Titre-The degree of antigen antibody reaction to show visible agglutination. This is the highest dilution of a serum which causes clumping  of microorganisms or particulate antigens.

Define the following terms:
latex agglutination,precipitation,Flocculation,Immune chromatochraphic test
 Explain the principles of latex agglutination, flocculation tests and immune-chromatographic tests for antigen antibody reactions
This test that involves specific antibody-antigen reaction.
 In this test polystyrene particles are coated with known antibodies or antigens.Eg.Antigen coated particles are used in  antistreptolysin O ttitration test.(ASOT).Antibody coated particles are used in detection of extracellular bacteria antigen in Cryptococcus neoformans.
Test that involves coated  particles are:
·         VDRL/RPR-The particles are coated with cardiolipin antigens.The particles are black in color hence carbon coated particles.
·         Widal test-The particles are coated with O and  H antigens that are coloured
·         Pregnancy test-The test involves polysterene particles coated with HCG hormone.
·         Rheumatoid factor test-The particles are coated with IgG antiglobulins(rheumatoid factors)
·         Hepatitis Test-The particles are coated with Hepatitis A,B C Antigens.
·         This test that involves antibody-antigen reaction. This is a test that involves reactions of soluble antigens. when it reacts with antibody it form loose clumps of  precipitate.(floccules)

 Explain the following serological terms in relation to reporting of results: reactive, positive, non-reactive, negative,indeterminate
Reactive test -This is a test that shows presence of antibodies in a sample or specimen.
Non-reactive test- This is a test that shows absence of antibodies in a sample or specimen.
Positive and Negative -Final reporting/reading of a test after running the test with a positive and a negative  control and reads as the same as  controls.
Indeterminate-A test that is at border line. This means that the test is neither positive nor negative.
Invalid-A test that does not show any reading/reaction  with the control.(a plain strip)

 Key Points 
·         latex agglutination-Visible clamping together of bacteria, cells or particles by an antigen combining with its specific antibodies.
·         precipitation –This is a test that involves reactions of soluble antigens. when it reacts with antibody it forms insoluble deposits(precipitate)
·         Immune-chromatographic test-
·         Flocculation- This is a test that involves reactions of soluble antigens. when it reacts with antibody it form loose clumps of  precipitate.(floccules)

·         Titre-The degree of antigen antibody reaction to show visible agglutination. This is the highest dilution of a serum which causes clumping  of microorganisms or particulate antigens.

 List common specific immunology/serology investigation
·         VDRL/RPR,
·         HBs Ag,
·         Cryptococcus serum test,
·         Widal test,
·         pregnancy test,
·         rheumatoid factor test,
·         ICT
·         ASOT

 Explain the principle and reporting of each common  immunology/serology investigations according to SOP(2 HOURS)
·         To confirm diagnosis of typhoid fever
·         To determine the carrier status who has recovered from typhoid fever.
·         Pyrexia of unknown cause(persistent high temperature)

·         O-Antigens
·         H-Antigens
·         Controls – positive and negative
 Demonstration of the widal test  by tile method according to the SOP
·         Demonstrate of the pregnancy test according to the SOP.

 Performance of the widal test by tile method(Qualitative analysis) 
  • Principle
Killed salmonella suspensions with O and H Ag reacts with corresponding Ab in the serum of the patient with infection and shows agglutation.
·         Procedure
o   Bring the test kit reagents to room temperature.
o   Mix the reagents before use
o   Pippette one  drop of O-Ag and H-Ag on  the circles on the tile or test cards.
o   Using a rubber teat and dropper pipette, dispense 1 drop (0.05ml) of sample on one of the test card circles labeled O and H.
o   Mix using the applicator stick
o   Dispense the positive and negative control sera in the same way and mix.
o   use your hands to rotate the test card for 1 minute..
o   Read the results macroscopically in a good light and check for agglutination.
o   Place all the materials in the bucket marked “INCINERATION”. 
NB: Each laboratory must determine the time necessary to perform the procedure (turnaround time).

·         Reporting results
o   Visible Agglutination indicates presence of salmonella Antibodies. Proceed to quantitative test( tube titration method)

o   No visible agglutination indicates absence of salmonella antibodies. Report as negative or non-reactive.

·         Limitations:
o   The test reagent must be stored at 2 – 8oC and when in use place at room temperature before use.
o   Check carefully the expiry dates on the test kits.
·         Quality control

o   Always run positive and negative controls when performing the test, and make sure the control samples are reading correctly.


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