Use Appropriate Containers in Laboratory Investigations 

Characteristics of containers
·         Sputum Container
  • Is a plastic, wide mouthed leak proof with a lid
§  These containers are supplied by NTLP (National TB and Leprosy programme
·         Urine containers
o   Are plastic or glass clean, dry wide-mouthed with a screw caped
·         Blood containers are identified by their color
o   Container with Red top color
§  Are used for serological and biochemistry investigations
§  Does not contain anticoagulant
o   Container with Purple/lavender top color
§  For hematological investigation such as full blood picture, Platelets count, ESR and CD4 count
§  Contains anticoagulant EDTA
o   Container with Green top color
§  Contains anticoagulant-Heparin
§  Are used for collecting blood for  sugar
o   Stool Container
§  These are plastic wide mouthed with or without a spoon like applicator attached into the cap

Important Information to be labelled on the Container 
·         Containers should be well labeled with patient information
o   Hospital Number
o   Name of patient
o   Date
o   Address
o   Ward Number

Decontamination and Disposal of Sputum, Urine, Sputum, Blood and Stool Containers 

·         Disposal of container
  • Sputum container
§  After being used the container should be incinerated
  • Urine containers. Sock in disinfectant overnight by using   
§  Lysol or
§  Sodium hypochlorite
  • Blood containers
§  All used containers should be incinerated
  • Stool container
§  All used containers should be incinerated

 Storage of Sputum, Urine, Sputum, Blood and Stool Containers 
Storage of containers
·         Sputum containers
o   Sputum containers should be stored safely from dust environment
·         Urine containers
  • Keep urine containers tightly screw caped in a cupboard
·         Blood containers
o   Blood containers should be well kept away from sunlight
·         Stool container
o   Stool containers should be stored safely from dust environment

Apply Aseptic Techniques during Specimen Collection

Definition of Term 

 ·         Define aseptic techniques
o   Aseptic technique is a set of specific practices and procedures performed under carefully controlled conditions with the goal of minimizing contamination by pathogens
§  Aseptic technique is employed to maximize and maintain asepsis, the absence of pathogenic organisms, in the laboratory. The goals of aseptic technique are to protect the patient from infection and to prevent the spread of pathogens

Types of Aseptic Techniques
·         Hand washing 
o   Before and after attending a patient
o   After removing gloves
o   When hands are visibly dirty for any reason
o   After contact with blood or body fluids
·         Advantages of hand washing
o   Hand washing helps stops the spread of germs between patients and between staff and patients
o   It protects both the patients and the caregivers
o   The most important precaution for the prevention of infections
o   Washing hands with soap and water eliminates microorganisms from the skin and hands

·   Use of antiseptics
Antiseptics commonly used for skin decontamination are
o   Alcohol (Ethanol or Methanol)
§  Absolute alcohol is not a very effective sterilizing agent, as at this concentration its power of penetration is very poor
§  When diluted with distilled water to a concentration of 70%, however, it is becomes effective as a skin sterilizer and is used prior to inoculations or venipuncture

o Mode of action of antiseptics works as sterilizing agent by the following lethal mechanisms
§  Interfering with the enzymatic system of the organism(enzyme poison)
§  Disrupt of the cell membrane
§  Coagulation of protein
§  Oxidation
o   Always prepare daily antiseptic in small quantities for use.
·         Importance of antiseptic to sterilize collecting sites
  • Cleaning of the skin before puncturing
  • To wipe off micro organisms
  • Reduces introduction of micro organism to the body
·  Skin disinfection
o   To remove micro organisms from the skin
o   Reduces risk of introducing micro organisms in the body
o   Hand washing is essential to laboratory staff after any procedure involving close contact with the patient.
o   Gloves must be worn every time when attending patient, collecting sample taking specimen from one area to another.

Significance Sterile of Containers 
·  Sterile Container
  • Are containers which are free from micro organisms they can be commercially acquired or prepared (sterilized)
· Specimen which are collected in sterile container
  • All Specimens which needs culture
§  Urine
§  Cerebral spinal fluids
§  Effusions
§  Blood
§  Puss
§  Sputum
·Importance of using sterile containers
o   It helps to isolate micro organisms from the specimen and not contaminants
o   It helps to isolate the intended/suspected micro organism from the specimen
o   Validates the origin of the isolate

Significance of Aseptic Conditions during Specimen Collection 
·Aseptic technique is so important to avoid cross contamination and the potential spread of microorganism in the laboratory such as
o   Avoids specimen contamination
o   avoid contamination to the client
o   Avoid contamination to specimen  handler
o   Avoids contamination to the site of specimen collection
 ·         Steps of Hand Washing
o   Place soap on the palms under running water
o   Rub surfaces vigorously for at least 10 seconds
o   Rinse both hands under running water
o   Dry the hands with a drier of disposable absorbent paper

The figure below shows hand washing

Key Points 
·         Aseptic technique is a set of specific practices and procedures performed under carefully controlled conditions with the goal of minimizing contamination by pathogens
·         Aseptic Techniques includes;
  • Hand wash
  • Use of antiseptics
  • Skin disinfection
·         Sterile Container
  • Are containers which are free from micro organisms they can be commercially acquired or prepared (sterilized)
·         Specimen which are collected in sterile container
  • All Specimens which needs culture such as
§  Urine
§  Cerebral spinal fluids
§  Effusions
§  Blood
§  Puss
§  Sputum
·         Importance of using sterile containers
o   It helps to isolate micro organisms from the specimen and not contaminants
o   It helps to isolate the intended/suspected micro organism from the specimen
o   Validates the origin of the isolate
·         Aseptic technique is so important to avoid cross contamination and the potential spread of microorganism in the laboratory such as
o   Avoids specimen contamination
o   avoid contamination to the client
o   Avoid contamination to specimen  handler
o   Avoids contamination to the site of specimen collection

·         Define aseptic techniques
·         List two importance of using sterile containers
·         List four specimens which are collected using sterile containers
·         Baker F.J and Silverton R.E (1985). Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology. Sixth Ed. Butterworth London
·         Carter J, Lema O(1994)Practical laboratory manual for health centres in eastern Africa. AMREF
·         Cheesbrough M (1987). Medical Laboratory Manual for Tropical Countries. Volume 1 2nd Ed. ELBS Butterworth, Heinemann Ltd, Oxford
·         Cheesbrough M (1998). District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries. Part 1. Tropical Health Technology, Gapson Papers Ltd, NOIDA, India
·         Cheesbrough M (2000). District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries. Part 2. Tropical Health Technology, Cambridge University Press UK


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