Containers for Laboratory Investigations

Definition of Term 

· Container
o   Is a carrier of specimen

Types of containers 
·    Wax carton
o   Wax cartons are made in the laboratory using cardboard and a stapler
o   These cartons can be used only once for sputum collection in the laboratory
·   Universal bottle
  • These are glass or plastic bottles with screw caps
  • have the capacity of 25 ml
·   Plastic container with cap
  • Are made of plastic materials
  • Are containers with different capacities
·   Bijou bottle
  • These are glass or plastic bottles with screw caps
  • Have the capacity of 5ml

 Significance of Containers
·         Differentiates tests
·         Stores specimens
·         Prevents infections
·         Identifies type of specimens
·         Helps to handle and transport the specimens
·         Easier to write patient information

 Containers for Laboratory Investigations

Container for Stool collection
·         The following types of containers are suitable for the collection of stool specimens
o   Wax container
o   Empty clean container with a lid
o   Plastic jar specially designed for stool collection, with a spoon attached to the stopper

·  Container for Urine collection
  • Routine analysis-use clean, dry, wide-mouthed
  • Urine for culture-empty sterile universal container
·  Container for blood collection

o Container with Red top color
§  Are used for serological and biochemistry investigations
§  Does not contain anticoagulant

o Container with Purple/lavender top color
§  For hematological investigation such as full blood picture, Platelets count, ESR and CD4 count
§  Contains anticoagulant EDTA
o Container with Green top color
§  Contains anticoagulant-Heparin
§  For blood sugar
·   Container for sputum collection
o   Sputum sample is collected in a plastic, wide mouthed leak proof container
o   These containers are supplied by NTLP (National TB and Leprosy programme)
·  Container for collection of pus
o   Sterile swab stick in plastic tube 
o   Transport media


Key Points
·         Container is a carrier of specimen
o   Containers used for collecting specimens includes
§  Wax carton
§  Universal bottle
§  Plastic container with cap
§  Bijou bottle
·         Significance of Containers includes
o   Differentiates tests
o   Stores specimens
o   Prevents infections
o   Identifies type of specimens
o   Helps to handle and transport the specimens
o   Easier to write patient information

·         Define a container
·         List three significance of containers
·         List three containers used for collecting specimens

·         Becker F.J and Silverton R.E (1985). Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology. Sixth Ed. Butterworth London
·         Carter J, Lema O (1994) Practical laboratory manual for health centres in eastern Africa. AMREF
·         Cheesbrough M (1987). Medical Laboratory Manual for Tropical Countries. Volume 1 2nd Ed. ELBS Butterworth, Heinemann Ltd, Oxford

·         Cheesbrough M (1998). District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries. Part 1. Tropical Health Technology, Gapson Papers Ltd, NOIDA, India


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